838 I.— ENACTMENTS DB(5MRM1> IJN FORCE. OR EKTRNDK!), BY NOTIFICATION TTM>KU TI I 14 SCHEDULED LJT&'i'rflf/Jd ACT. 187-t— (?o«W. i.— TUB OK&IKDK- c»Kiit, 1 * 3 4 r- bhorl title PlactM in <»r to top ilioir rertiiinloii' Yffti1. No. or .and anbjM. force1 or r.tcndcd. Hioiiiruutiob* Governor General in 1877 M fl iHriflo Ke- Extended io W-lifi.-!,li,,,l NO. lief. llu» Proving !'.'."', dii.'.l :!0th of Sindlu ^.'..vtnilifi-. 1f.80, J008 V Code of Civil Eviend^l in Ryre}>1 wed ton 1 DTK] V(j tfsw //i//w7 /;}- .Prot'ixluru, tin* Proving* of fl(iftii»iH I55io I**.*1' ^,W/; /Arc whrr, J90R. ShidL. which :tr« lilrondj J!HM-~ in ej;tkr.y section 5 o}? ih(i Schndulod FHktriotFi Act, 1874 (XJVoi1 i87t) the C!i)Va'iH«r in Coun- cil, with the pre- j vious ssmoMou of (lie Guvwiior Ocne- fiMl in (jounoil, is ]«l''a«"i] io *J3tt. 11)09, ?i, J, p. fl'J, and Jfottohay (jwicvtimGnt Oa* SCtw, J&9lvTm)1F(l'l* nartft uatod 1st Jan'nury 1009* .IL TOT,, I